
Lisa Immordino Vreeland - Director - The Eye Has To Travel

Ik sprak Lisa Immordino Vreeland in het Ambassade Hotel aan de Herengracht in Amsterdam. Lisa is de director van de film 'The Eye Has To Travel' en de auteur van het gelijknamige boek over het leven van de legendarische Diana Vreeland. Ze is de aangetrouwde kleindochter van Diana. Hoewel ze haar nooit heeft ontmoet , was zij haar hele leven al gefascineerd van Diana. Lisa besloot iets te doen met de legacy van haar 'oma'. Ze schreef er een boek over en regisseerde de film.'The Eye Has To Travel' gaat morgen in première en is een absolute aanrader.

Beeld Jacob Van Rozelaar

This was your first movie, would you consider making another one?
Most definatly! I loved the process of it. The research, the discovery. Collecting of all the images. In this case we were lucky we had all the fashion images. And we had the most important photographs from the 26 years of her life she worked for Harpers Bazaar. And from the 60's from VOGUE. We were very fortunate with the images we could play with.

If you would make a second movie, would it be about another fashion icon? Or a totally different subject? I've already start working at a new movie that's totally different. There is actually another fashion person, i would love to do a movie about. But not right now. Now, I want to do what I have in mind. As soon as I have full access to this other person. I will follow him.

If you had the possibility to ask Diana one question. What would it be?
I just would like to know if she was  aware of her contributions. I am pretty confident that she wasn't aware of her legacy, at all. I feel she was such a teacher and she had such a mentor role for so many people. That's something what I am curious about because I dealt into her life so much.

What will be your next move, career wise?
Well, this was actually a big carreer move for me. Because I just done a book and a film. I never done this before. I really like this. I love to research and that is a big aspect in doing a book or making a film. I would like to continue doing them. I like working with the visual and telling a story. I think it's all about doing greater and bigger things.

What's your view on the Fashion Editors of today?
I think Fashion editors today are very blocked by the commerce. A lot is about doing business and less about the fantasy. Vreeland had a great threat, because it was all about fantasy for her. About being inspired, and inspiring other people!

Do you think there is a lack of creativity now, in the fashion industry?
I am not sure if it's a lack of creativity. I think there are still a lot of very talented people. I just think they are not allowed to do what they really want to do. There is this hierarchy of control of voices and opinions. And this can block creativity at times. This is unfortunate I see some friends of mine struggling with this, who are fashion editors. They have to put a celebrity on the cover. What's just not very interesting. There is just a very small percentage of celebrities these days who are very interesting.

Do you have any style rules you live by?
For me it's all about personal style. You can buy the same fashion through-out the world. It's about what you wear. Diana Vreeland once said “It's not about the dress you wear, but the life you lead in the dress". And that's what's important, cause fashion has to be about you. I am very lucky because i get dressed by PRADA.

Do you have any advise for young people who try to make a career in fashion? Try to fulfill your dreams. Have your passion push you forward. I know unfortunately there is a reality of having to pay for your life, to make a living. You have to have that, but also juxtapose it with doing something with passion. Life is too short. We need to be inspired to move forward in life.

Qoute of the Month?
In the spirit of mrs. Vreeland. Because it's all about her at the moment. My favorite quote is: Why don't you?

What's your latest discovery?
My latest discovery will come later, when I will visit the new modern museum that just reopened. I am really looking forward to seeing the museum and be inspired by it.

Beeld by Jacob van Rozelaar.

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